
There is a broad consensus that buildings do not perform as well as they should. We believe it is imperative to look beyond today to discover more effective solutions for making buildings operate more efficiently. To do this successfully requires engaging all sectors of the built environment in the process. We believe our work and connection to actual building data can bring these sectors together.

New Construction Commissioning

Typical or traditional commissioning services are primarily a formality and are finished at the occupancy stage. At RED CAR Analytics, we take a different approach to commissioning. We engage early to provide system design review for functionality and carry this through and beyond occupancy, using building data to calibrate and instruct the team. This approach, developed from our extensive experience in system commissioning and monitoring building data, makes us exceptionally qualified to take the lead role to commission your buildings or campus for performance.

Monitoring-Based Commissioning/Retro Commissioning

Too often, properly commissioned building systems degrade in performance within the first few years’ of the building’s life. Our approach to Monitoring-Based Commissioning, or “Persistent commissioning”, is built on a strategy of analyzing building trend data to develop key insights and provide tangible recommendations. As a living environment, buildings need annual checkups, just like people. Even the best facility teams can benefit from solid engineering assistance to help keep their buildings operating to their highest potential.

Zero Net Energy Tracking and Support

Even with a good design, the goal of Zero Net Energy is not an easy target to achieve. Achieving this goal requires early planning in design to establish efficiency metrics for operational performance tracking and inclusion of a monitoring system for ongoing data tracking. In the operations phase, regular check-ins and troubleshooting are needed to stay on track.

Red Car Analytics helps buildings achieve their ZNE goals by working with the owner and design team early to establish energy targets, monitoring infrastructure plan, and developing key performance indicator (KPI) metrics specific to the design to track during operations.

In operations, Red Car Analytics provides ongoing building monitoring, collaboration with the operations team, and engagement with the design/construction team to resolve warranty issues as needed. We can facilitate achieving a ZNE certification by leading the building team to identify high-impact operational deficiencies, come up with remediation strategies, oversee the implementation of those strategies, and validate the energy efficiency improvement through operational data monitoring and analysis.

Commissioning Services

While we can build the seemingly most efficient buildings, that means nothing if we cannot keep them operating efficiently. We need to learn why buildings' performance typically deteriorate 30% in the first four years of operation and the role commissioning or retro-commissioning can play to reduce that performance decay.
August 2009