Project Summary

Red Car Analytics is proud to be a part of the California Statewide Investor Owned Utility (IOU) Codes and Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team for the Title 24, 2022 code cycle. Members of the Red Car Analytics team worked on the prior CASE cycle as the lead for nonresidential HVAC enhancements to Title 24, 2019.

For the 2022 code cycle, Red Car Analytics is the lead CASE author for the following code change proposals:

  • HVAC Controls; Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS)
  • Computer Room Energy Efficiency

The CASE initiative presents recommendations to support the California Energy Commission’s efforts to update the California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) to include new requirements or to upgrade existing requirements for various technologies. The California Energy Commission updates California’s Energy Code on a three-year cycle. Reports compiling research, analyses, and recommendations produced by Red Car Analytics provide the information needed to support California Energy Commission’s efforts to update California’s Energy Code.

Overview of CASE Measures

Posted CASE Reports

Past Stakeholder Presentations