Title 24, 2019 Your Greatest Ideas Turned into Codes
We had the opportunity to present on one of our favorite topics: CA Code Change. We hope the local North Bay redwood empire and Sacramento ASHRAE chapters enjoyed the show. Every 3 years, California ratchets up the energy efficiency codes in buildings. Just last month,…
Red Car Analytics: Integrating High Performance Design to Operations
We are at six months into our company and I can honestly say what a fantastic idea this was. No day is without its challenges, however the opportunity to directly support our clients and do great work makes it all worthwhile. In our consulting practice…
What is Net Zero Energy and What Definition to Use and When
Commercial buildings are getting a lot of attention recently to improve their energy use and become more sustainable in their operations. Terms like Net Zero Energy are becoming talking points for developers, cities, corporations and even states (CA). The popularity of commercial building energy efficiency…
OpenStudio, the Energy Modeling Software We Need
Having used energy modeling software for years I believe the majority of tools used today are not preparing energy consultants for the future to come. Performance based energy estimates, such as predicting measurable energy use or net zero energy, require a skilled workforce with tools…
The North Star of Ongoing Commissioning: Start with the OPR!
I just completed a presentation for the BCXA 2020 Conference with Chris Weyandt, Ongoing Commissioning Leader, at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL), on “Why Ongoing Commissioning is necessary.” During the Q&A session, a very important question was posed that I think needs to be discussed;…
Bending the Curve on Climate Change with Ongoing Commissioning
Our very own Michele Sagehorn recently had the opportunity to present with one of our top clients Chris Weyandt of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as part of the Virtual 2020 BCxA Conference. The event, which is still available for viewing and continuing education credits, was…